Amelia’s Blog

Venus Stations Direct

“We have no art. We simply do everything as beautifully as we can.” Balinese saying.
Venus will station direct on the 6th of September at 14 degrees of Leo. This retrograde period (since late July) has provided excellent timing to mull over any changes or improvements you would like to make in regards to pleasure, abundance, financial well being, personal aesthetics and generally increasing the beauty and love in your life. As Venus stations on the 6th it bodes well to end the mulling over period and make concrete intentions supported by action.
Also this month Mercury stations retrograde on the 17th, there are two eclipses and Saturn will move into Sagittarius once again.

Saturday’s Full Moon

“Strengthening the imagination does not have the purpose of merely expanding consciousness beyond ordinary perception and thought. Rather, such strengthening is intimately connected with our earthly world and with becoming ever more vividly alive.” Robert Sardello
The moon waxes Full Saturday at 6 degrees of Pisces at 2:35 PM EDT. Use the expansive, mystical energy at play this weekend to open the doors of perception wide and imagine what is possible. It bodes well to allow extra down time for musing, creative visualization and meditation. Be open to inspiration and guidance from body, mind and spirit.
This Moon falls on the Pisces/Virgo axis. Pisces, the sign ruled by the mystical planet Neptune seeks inspired and intuitive insight and Virgo, ruled by Mercury is the sign that excels at critical thinking and discernment. There is an opportunity to reach a more evolved balance between the two this weekend

Jupiter and the Sun

Over the next few days take advantage of beneficenr Jupiter’s expansive influence as it aligns with the Sun. There is likely to be increase in the area of your chart where this planetary pair is transiting – the very early degrees of Virgo.
With Jupiter transits it is wise to keep moderation in mind and to avoid excess – particularly with the opposition to Neptune – the planet of dreams and illusions. It can be a good time for increased spiritual awareness, for telepathic experiences and for expanding creative visions.
But it can also be a time of irritation and illusion. It bodes well wot make an extra effort to stay grounded.
One of the Sabian symbols associated with this time is, ” A man becoming aware of nature spirits and normally unseen energies.”

Saturn, The Sun and the Moon

“Saturn, known by the Greeks as Chronos (or Time) is the farthest planet from the Sun easily visible to the naked eye. Saturn thus demarcates the boundary between the visible and the invisible.” Caroline W Casey
Saturn’s influence is strong this weekend – squaring both the Sun and the Moon.This indicates a good time to slow down and assess progress from a detached perspective. Do take time to recharge and reconfigure if necessary,
The First Quarter Moon – known as a time when challenges arise to face intentions set at the New Moon – is Saturday at 29 degrees of Scorpio conjunct Saturn. It is best to put off any serious decision making under this influence and to assume the information is not all in. One of The Sabian symbols associated with this time is,”An unsealed letter has vital and confidential information.”
Amelia Shea advises clients on a broad range of issues:  family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person.

Venus, Uranus and Jupiter

“Dreams are …illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.” Marsha Norman
There are interesting planetary energies as we head towards the First Quarter Moon on Saturday 8/22.
Venus continues her retrograde journey – making this time (through early Sept)
a good time to review aspects of  you life related to joy, abundance and pleasure and how if you feel there is room for improvement- to start scheming and  making plans about how you might do so.
Venus is moving back to a favorable alignment to Uranus this week so surprise is in the air. This aspect can bring romantic encounters and other unexpected events. It does have an erratic unpredictable current however and relationships started under this influence often take an unconventional, freedom loving path. With Venus  retrograde there can be the return of an old lover. Wait until September to have a more accurate picture about how any events of this nature are likely to turn out.
It is a good time to revisit unrealized dreams – even of your childhood – and see if there are ways that you can make them manifest in your life now.
Jupiter has moved into Virgo the sign of healing. If there are ways you would like to improve your health and general well being there is support and guidance available. Make a concrete plan which is part of your routine and commit to it.
The First Quarter Moon is on Saturday 8/22 at 29 Scorpio I will write about it later in the week.
Amelia Shea advises clients on a broad range of issues:  family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person.
Norman quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra.

Planetary Activity This Week

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” Satchel Paige

There is a lot of planetary activity this week leading up to the New Moon at 21 Leo on Friday August 14.
Jupiter will enter the sign of Virgo on Tuesday the 11th and will transit through this sign for a year or so. In general it is a good time for thinking about service to the world and to others, for initiatives related to improving health and evolving your belief system. It is wise to watch out for a tendency to be overly critical or overly focused on perfection.

Thursday the ongoing Saturn/Pluto semi square is exact. This is a long term influence and concerns effecting change and transformation. There can be tension and frustration and it bodes well not to push too hard now but be patient and acknowledge incremental steps that represent progress in any change you have been trying to effect.

Mercury is moving up to an opposition to Neptune this week. This can bring confusion in communication and travel and fogginess in thinking. It will be helpful to be organized and prepared as you enter this week. Get details nailed down early.

The New Moon is Friday at 21 Leo. This is a good time to formulate goals for bringing more joy, happiness and creativity into your life. If there are children in your life set intentions about how you would like to relate to them in a more loving, joyful and playful way.
The Sun is the ruler of Leo and one of the Sabian symbols associated with this time is, “American Indians perform a ritual to the Sun.”

Amelia Shea advises clients on a broad range of issues: family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Sabin Symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom,
Paige quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra.

Saturn stations direct

“I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch. a promise.”
Saturn will station direct this Sunday  EDT in late Scorpio. Saturn’s transit back into the late degrees has provided a good opportunity to look at the kind of hold fear has on your life. It is a good time to bring clarity to this area and to commit to a new level of courage if necessary.
It bodes well for intentions related to bringing more balance and integration into the levels of body mind and spirit. Other aspects in play now indicate a very good time to get in touch with how to bring more joy into your life.
Quote from Dawna Markova

Full Moon in Aquarius

” A Japanese friend explained to me that the plum symbolizes courage because the plum puts out blossoms while the snow is still on the ground.” Anne Morrow Lindbergh
 The Moon waxes Full this Friday at 8 degrees of Aquarius at 6:43 AM EDT. Look for inspiration related to the long term under the light of this visionary influence. Rekindle courage with the light of the brilliant Leo Sun.
The sign of Aquarius is associated with the Star card in the Tarot deck and one of the Sabian symbols for this Full Moon  is,”The wonder of the constellations of stars in the night sky.”

First Quarter Moon

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” Martin Buber

The Sabian symbol for today’s First Quarter Moon is,” A sight seeing bus.” This symbol describes looking at your life with new eyes – as if you are traversing new territory. New opportunities may present themselves throughout this Moon cycle if you keep a broad perspective and an open mind.

Uranus will station conjunct Eris on the 26th. Eris is the asteroid of the Woman Warrior making this a good time to advocate for your soul’s journey in this lifetime.

Amelia Shea advises clients on a broad range of issues: family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Sabian symbol Quote from Marc Edmund Jones.

Venus Retrograde, Uranus and Mars

“Beauty awakens the soul to act.” Dante Alighieri

Venus will station retrograde on July 25. Retrograde periodsare a good time for review. Through September 6 it bodes well to consider areas of life related to finances, partnership, friendship and aesthetics and what improvements you would like to make in those areas. Through mid August Jupiter’s beneficent influence will be close by bringing the opportunity for expanded vision which can open the door to new opportunities.

This week is off to an edgy start as Mars moves up to an exact square to Uranus. This planetary combination can create volatility. It bodes well to exercise restraint in communications with others and to take more care when driving and moving about as impulsiveness can create a more accident prone time.

Amelia Shea advises clients on a broad range of issues: family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career. She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra.