Jupiter Stations Direct

“Hope is the memory of the future.” Gabriel Marcel

Be on the lookout for opportunities coming your way as expansive Jupiter stations and moves direct Jan 30. Entertain options. Keep horizons open. Make a plan to bring more inspiration into your life every day. Use this positive energy to move forward in a more hopeful, optimistic way.

* quotes from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra . All times mentioned are EST

January 2013 Astrology

“May the New Year bring you closer and closer to the realization of your dreams. Never give them up, even in moments of tragedy. They are your pathway to the experience of Oneness with the Infinite. They – and they alone – will bring you the freedom that we all seek, when a moment can become the awareness of eternity, and the realization can bring forth an outpouring of compassion for all.”
Rob Merriman, Financial Astrologer

The aspects of January 2013 have a lot to teach about the challenges inherent in bringing dreams into manifestation. Mercury the planet of ideas and communication is a strong force in the sky throughout the month. It is a good month to practice patience, choose words carefully and exercise diplomacy.

As the month begins pay attention ideas that present innovative solutions to situations in need of resolution. It is a good time to be aware of information that enters your life through channels you may not normally pay attention to. Do not expect pragmatic applications to appear initially.

It is wise to be clear about intentions by the 11th the day of the New Moon at 21 Capricorn.

On the 6th Mercury moves up to a conjunction to Pluto. The ongoing Uranus/Pluto square – the sign of our times – is about the transformation of outdated forms and the coming to life of more innovative, enlightened ones. How we think about our lives and our world may have changed considerably over the past few years as this aspect functions now as it did in the 60s – as an awakener to higher consciousness.

The Mercury/Pluto aspect provides good timing to get under the radar in situations where perceptions can normally be blocked. It can be a time of powerful thinking and communication but it can contribute to irritability and harsh communications. It’s best to have strong boundaries all month long and not be surprised if communications become testy.

Venus moves up to a harmonious aspect to Neptune exact on the 10th. This is a good time for getting in touch with our higher aspirations in order to move more closely in that direction. Do not demand pragmatic applications initially.

Through the 16th pay attention to information which comes about making any romantic, creative or financial goals real. It may be a bumpy time and it is best to maintain equilibrium through the transition rather than assuming all the information is in at any one point. We are living in a time when the old models no longer work and it can feel like a bit of a balancing act forging the path to a more innovative future.

From the 13th to the 21st Venus in Capricorn will aspect Saturn. This influence can bring a stabilizing force and help ground ideas and dreams pragmatically.

The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 19th.

Towards the end of the month Mercury engages the influence of Jupiter and Uranus- bringing a sense of expansion and optimism. Saturn’s influence at the end of the month can help with pragmatics and planning.

The Full Moon is on 1/26 at 7 degrees of Leo.