July 2013 Astrology

“In a shrinking world that can use a good shrink, we don’t need another theory of evolution. What we need is the practice of evolution.” Swami Beyondananda

The first week of July Venus is a strong influence in the sky and there are some challenging aspects. If problems arise in the areas of relationship, finance and pleasure – use them as an opportunity to entertain more workable solutions. Adjustments may need to be made.

With Mercury retrograde it is best to make an extra effort to keep communications clear and if problems arise – rather than assuming anything initially- it is wise to double check that what you said / texted/emailed was first, received and then understood as you intended.

The Sun enters the Uranus /Pluto square the first week also. This powerful combination will lend assistance with transformation. It is a good time to” keep your eyes on the prize.” Stay focused on who you want to become and where you are going. Identify and let go of outdated patterns of thought and behavior that can impede progress.

The New Moon in Cancer is July 8. Use the energy at this time to set clear intentions about aspirations related to home and family.

Mid month is a very busy time astrologically – it is best to provide extra down time to integrate the fast and perhaps confusing pace of events. Uranus stations retrograde on the 17th and Mercury stations direct on the 20th. When this planetary pair combines forces like this there can be surprising news, communications as well as technological snafus. It can be hard on the nervous system.

The Jupiter/Neptune /Saturn trine is in effect at this time as well. As the saying goes, “watch what you wish for” or rather be conscious of what you are trying to create. This planetary alignment governs the laws of manifestation. It will be in effect on and off throughout the year. It is wise with Neptune’s involvement to keep grounded and develop a strong link to intuitive knowing.

Towards the end of the month Mercury enters the Uranus/Pluto square.. This reminds me of what the Dalai Lama wrote about in his book, Ethics for a New Millennium – that we must always be “thinking about what we are thinking.” The mind is a powerful tool and it is a good time to pay attention to how you are using it, let go of unproductive thought patterns and work on using mental powers in a positive way. The Dalai Lama’s book provides very good guidance on the subject.

Mars conjuncts Jupiter at the end of the month – watch the tendency to overshoot the mark with this high energy pair in alignment.

It is likely to be a volatile time and it is best to stay out of the fray- watch for frayed tempers and impulsive behavior.

The Full Moon in Aquarius is on the 22nd.

With Jupiter in Cancer for the next year take some time to appreciate the beauty, harmony and generosity of the natural world – our home.

quote from Spontaneous Evolution by Lipton and Bhaerman