Mercury Retrograde, Mars and Neptune

“Dawn points, and another day
Prepares for heat and silence. Out at sea the dawn wind
Wrinkles and slides. I am here
Or there, or elsewhere. In my beginning.” TS Eliot
One of the gifts of the Mercury retrograde period is that it offers the opportunity for a period of reflection and renewal culminating in a time of new beginnings when Mercury stations direct.
This particular retrograde period- through June 11 – is a good time to look at your use of personal power in relation to
your customary thought patterns and assumptions. Do your underlying thoughts and feelings support or weaken the way you move towards your goals? Are there contradictory or undermining ideas that need to be let go of?
Mars has been making a challenging aspect to Neptune during this time and this aspect is similar to the Hanged Man in the Tarot deck. When the Hanged Man appears in a reading it indicates that there will be a delay – and the purpose of this delay is some sort of change in perception. Surrender is associated with this card and the Hanged Man is unable to move but there is a golden halo or light around his head – indicating that the information he needs can be accessed through higher consciousness or by surrendering to a higher power.
There is is a dreamy ethereal quality to the aspects now indicating  that the information may come through dreams, intuitions or musing so be sure to leave some time to be in that kind of space. Robert Bly described it well one time. He wrote that one time when he was giving a workshop by the sea in Maine, he noticed an older man in the back of the room with tears in his eyes. When Bly later asked him about it the man said that he had always been an ambitious, hard working person in the world but now he found himself just wanting to watch the sea birds gliding above the waves.
Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person.

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini

The Mad Hatter: ” Why is a raven like a writing desk?”
“Have you guessed the answer to the riddle yet?” the Hatter said, turning to Alice again.
“No I give it up,”Alice replied:” What is the answer?”
“I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Hatter. ” Lewis Carroll

Mercury, the planet governing communication will station retrograde on May 19 in difficult aspect to the planet of dreams and illusions – Neptune. Mars is in Gemini now and this trio of Mercury, Mars and Neptune is likely to result in a confusing time frame increasing the potential complications of Mercury retrograde periods.

The likelihood of snafus with communication or the interpretation of information is high now. Even if your research has led you to believe it is all locked up, look again for blind spots or missing information.

Double check that emails, texts etc have been sent and received before jumping to conclusions. Carefully review any legal documents that need to be signed through late June.
It also bodes well to make an extra effort to communicate clearly and slow down when making decisions or moving about in the world.
Mercury will station direct June 12.
On the upside this time frame is very good for creative visualization and creative projects as well as spiritual growth.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. All times mentioned are EDT.

Imagination, Creativity and New Love – Weekend Astrology

“Imagination is not what we have conceived it to be; not the fantastic speculations of our brain, but a true seeing of the inner reality that can be.” Caitlin and John Matthews

This weekend Mercury is square Neptune making it a good time for the imagination, creativity and spiritual growth. Due take extra care with communication as this combo is known for snafus in communication. It can affect travel as well so leave extra time when moving about.

The emergence of a new love is possible as well. One of the Sabian symbols associated with this weekend is, “A woman in midlife stands in rapt sudden realization of forgotten charms, in unexpected recovery of romance.” This symbol is about a new opportunity for passion and romance – a time of second chances. It also concerns the renewal of love and discovering or rediscovering a passion in life.

Amelia Shea specializes in issues of family, relationship and transition as well as life path and career.She can be reached at 603 654 1043, and Her readings start at $30 and can be done by phone, email and in person. Quote from Hallowquest by Caitlin and John Matthews. Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill’s 360 Degrees of Wisdom.