On the 2012 Aspects

Once in an interview John Lennon was asked about the Beatles rise to fame. He responded that they were like the mast of a ship people could see on the horizon. What he meant by this was that their music symbolized a vision of the future embodied by the visionary sixties generation.  During the sixties Uranus and Pluto were conjunct and it was in many ways a progressive, innovative and revolutionary time (all trademarks of Uranus and Pluto.)  The back to the land movement made manifest a desire for a more holistic relationship to the earth. Many communes sprung up with the intention of creating a more equitable relationship between the genders, more enlightened systems for relating to each other, and more enlightened business practices. The knowledge and practice of holistic healing modalities increased. Meditation, eastern philosophy and metaphysics were very much on the rise.  Much of the desire and effort to create a more just world through non violent means such as the March on Washington and the anti war marches which helped to bring the Vietnam war era to a halt, came  under the influence of this innovative, revolutionary planetary pair.

The astrological aspects of 2012 represent another turn of the Wheel of these two planets as Uranus and Pluto now move into a square.  We now see many of the evolutionary initiatives of the 60s flourishing in the western world – in the widespread practice of yoga, meditation, organic farming and environmentally conscious living.

There is a strong backlash now as then  also –  visible in polarized views of policy.  This can be seen in various conflicts involving agribusiness, energy companies, the banking industry, Wall Street etc.  

Renowned author, seer and visionary Edgar Cayce was once asked what he thought would happen with the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. He responded that he could not see what would happen because there was such a large grey wall of fear around it. We live in a time when New Age philosophy and contemporary physics concur that thoughts influence reality – an innovative (Uranus) and revolutionary (Pluto) view.

 The mast on the ship , the initial sighting of a new dawn or a new age that John Lennon spoke of is a good image to carry forward as opposed to the highly sensationalized and  fearful  vision of the future which Casey foresaw and we can see and feel all around us.

Venus enters the Pluto/Uranus Square

Expect the unexpected is a good maxim to live by through the 23rd as Mars forms a trine to Uranus and Venus enters the Uranus/ Pluto square. It can be a heady ride trying to keep up with sudden and unanticipated events. A word to the wise on the relationship front- Venus/Uranus aspects rule love at first sight occurrences but relationships born under these aspects often are unstable and unpredictable. The Venus Pluto square is likely to bring to life relationships of a karmic nature as well as relationships issues which are challenging to resolve.