Venus, Uranus and Pluto

“Whose worldviews shape our own values and belief systems? Whose history and judgments do we live by? These are the critical questions thinking people must ask themselves again and again as they move through life.” Deborah Grenn- Scott

As Venus continues her retrograde journey it bodes well to revisit the assumptions behind the values we hold – values both personal and collective. Much of the paradigm shift which is in process now originates is in the realm of values and what values we choose to live by individually and as a small planet as we move forward.

June 2012 Astrology

“In every block of marble I see a statue, see it as plainly as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls which imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it to other eyes, as mine already see it.” Michelangelo

Venus continues her retrograde journey most of the month and in the first week transits across the face of the Sun forming an occultation (eclipse). This influence bodes very well for clarifying values and desires – particularly those related to love and abundance. It is a good time to empower relevant imaginings.

June is a very busy month with much activity in the excitable sign of Gemini.  Nourish the nervous system as overstimulation is likely.  Providing time to process and integrate the meaning of events will be time well spent as the pace of life can accelerate under these influences.

The Sun is now in Gemini until the Summer Solstice on the 20th when the Sun enters Cancer.

There is a Lunar eclipse June 4th on the Full Moon at 14 degrees of Sagittarius. Neptune the planet of dreams and visions will station retrograde on the day of the eclipse and Mars will be squaring Venus. It bodes well under this influence to heed inspirations or messages from dreams and intuitions but can make perception on the mundane level a tad blurry. There can be confusion surrounding relationship issues at this time.

On June 5 Venus in Gemini will occult (transit across the face of) the Sun. It bodes very well under this influence- (which is in effect for the first week of June – to empower positive desires related to bringing pleasure and abundance into our lives.  It is a time when you want to watch what you wish for because things can manifest more quickly under this influence.

From the 8th through the 16th Mercury the planet of communication will be squaring Uranus and Pluto. Under this influence communication can be testy, tempers can run high and behavior can be erratic. Best to take extra care when driving, moving around and communicating. Events and Information revealed at this time may foretell the larger significance of the Uranus/Pluto square which is exact at the end of the month.

The New Moon this month is on the 19th at 28 degrees of Gemini.

June 20th is the Summer Solstice.

June 24 the Uranus/Pluto square will be exact for the first time. There may be surprising events at this time which point the way to where transformation needs to occur – personally and globally. This effect has been widely in effect for some time and is known in Astrology as one of the 2012 aspects.

Saturn stations direct on June 25 lending a serious pragmatic tone to the end of the month.

June 29 the Sun in Cancer moves into the Pluto /Uranus square – Watch what information comes under this influence too. It is a good time to assess progress in personal transformation.

Quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra

May ’12 Astrology

“We cannot suspend our values during the workday and think we will have them when we get back home. We’re all interconnected. There is a spiritual dimension to business just as to individuals.” Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield.

 The month of May holds significant planetary activity. For the first two weeks Venus slows down in preparation for the retrograde station on the 16th. Venus retrograde periods are a good time to review and reflect on our values.

The effects of the upcoming Solar eclipse on the 20th can be felt in the early part of the month as well. Eclipses open evolutionary doorways and their influence can be felt before and after the actual event.May 1 – 5 The month starts off under a dynamic trine in earth signs. Use this energy of the Sun/ Mars/Pluto trine to make significant headway with goals. This group of planets is powerful and lends energy, drive and ambition.

May 5 – The Full Moon at 16 degrees of Scorpio. This is a good time to revisit what it is we feel passionate about and ascertain whether the time and attention we give it is appropriate. It is best to remember that passions do run high under the Scorpio Moon and to be aware when driving and elsewhere that there can be an uptick of reckless or irrational behavior under this influence.

 May 13- 16 The Sun joins Jupiter the planet of hope and optimism as Mercury moves up to a trine to Pluto and Mars. This is a pragmatic and expansive combination – a very good time for making progress with endeavors and for social interaction.

 May 16 – June 28 Venus retrograde. Venus stations retrograde at 23 degrees of Gemini on May 16. This retrograde period provides good timing to review issues related to self esteem and self image and how these beliefs correlate to the way we live and want to live. As Venus is in Gemini it is also a good time period to review how we use and direct mental energy – and whether customary thinking patterns facilitate growth in a positive direction or place obstacles in the path.

Venus will station retrograde while in aspect to Saturn and this brings up issues related to values and the appropriateness of commitments we are involved in. It is a good time to review how relationships influence our sense of self esteem and can influence our values.

Venus will station direct in late June. In general Venus retrograde periods are best used for rethinking and reviewing rather than initiating. Relationships – personal and professional born under this influence often do not last. Sometimes old lovers can resurface under this aspect as well.

 There is a solar eclipse on the New Moon May 20 at 0 degrees of Gemini.

May 23 – May 30 During this time frame the influence of Neptune the planet of dreams and visions is strong in the sky. This is best used for creative visualization spiritual growth. It can make things other than what they seem. If possible it is best to avoid making serious legal agreements or making major purchases under this influence.

Quote from Divine Sparks by Karen Speerstra  

All times mentioned EDT.