This Week’s Astrology

“We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.” Buckminister Fuller

The Sun moves into the sign of Sagittarius today. Sagittarius is the sign of organized religion, philosophy, adventure and expansion. This is a very different influence than the sign of Scorpio which the Sun has transited for the last month- Scorpio which plumbs the depths and can be associated with payback and revenge scenarios on the less evolved side.

The influence of the planet Pluto – in mythology the god of the underworld and ruler of Scorpio – is still a strong influence this week as it aligns with the planet Venus. This combination can trigger cellular or past life memories of loss, lack and power-over struggles of a patriarchal nature. It is a time when there be concerns about personal safety and vulnerability. It is also a good time to think about what you can do to help protect the vulnerable.

In theosophical circles they hold the belief that the being of Christ was not a god appearing at one time only,  but a person who incarnates through various periods of time as a Master or a teacher of spiritual truth to help humanity in its evolutionary process. This is akin to many spiritual traditions  that await the appearance of a messiah at this time. Phillip Lindsay, the author and esoteric astrologer has noted that many theosophists believe that the next Christ figure or Master is on the planet now and travels between Syria and Egypt. This is an interesting idea to entertain in light of traditional Christianity’s Christ as having humble origins and casting the money changers out the temple. A person who put fear aside and worked to protect the vulnerable although facing powerful adversaries and being very vulnerable himself. A person who quite clearly prioritized spiritual values.

With Pluto in Capricorn the appropriate use of resources – natural and otherwise will be very much on the table for the foreseeable future.

One of the Sabian symbols for this time is,”A person studying a mandala in front of him with the help of a very ancient book.”

Sabian symbol quote from Lynda Hill

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