Uranus, Jupiter and the New Moon in Scorpio

“Somebody placed the shuttle in your hand.. somebody who had already arranged the threads.” Dag Hammarskjold

The starry heavens are a busy place this week. On Tuesday, Uranus the planet of sudden change retrogrades back into Aries – the Mars ruled sign of energy and drive. Uranus will be at the 29th degree – often called the “fated degree “in astrology. This degree (in any sign) can represents a time of culmination or fruition but also a time of uncertainty if loose ends linger.

Uranus is the planet of the rebel and the innovator and gives a wake up call about taking charge of one’s own destiny.  There can be sudden revelations and realizations that come under this influence.

Uranus transits can be taxing on the nervous system so it bodes well to provide extra downtime to rest, rejuvenate and access intuition to discern the meaning of events.

Uranus will  travel  retrograde in Aries until March of 2019.

Jupiter will enter his home sign of Sagittarius on Thursday.

The New Moon is Wednesday  this week with the Sun and Moon together at 15 degrees of Scorpio. The New Moon makes harmonious alignments to Neptune, the planet of dreams and visions  and Pluto, the planet of transcendence , providing an excellent time for creativity, intuition, spiritual growth and intention setting.

One of the Sabian symbols for the New Moon is, “A silvery moon shining across a beautiful gem of  a lake.”

Sabian symbol from Lynda Hill

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